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Entrepreneurial Leap: How To Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur with Gino Wickman, Dan Sullivan, and Joe Polish

July 29, 2020


Entrepreneurial Leap: How To Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur with Gino Wickman, Dan Sullivan, and Joe Polish

10x Talk

Entrepreneurial Leap: How To Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur with Gino Wickman, Dan Sullivan, and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #167

Entrepreneurial Leap: How To Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur with Gino Wickman, Dan Sullivan, and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #167


      Episode Summary

      Are you truly an Entrepreneur, or do you just want to be? Gino Wickman’s book – Entrepreneurial Leap – was written to help current and aspiring Entrepreneurs identify who they truly are before diving further into the world of Entrepreneurship.

       In this episode, you’ll hear Gino, Dan, and Joe share their thoughts on what Entrepreneurship means, what it takes to thrive, and how to increase your odds of success. You’ll also learn how to unleash your value creation and diagnose if you possess the traits of a successful Entrepreneur, so you can push forward with unwavering confidence, a clear vision, and shortcut to the top. 

      If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Annual Event – then apply today for your invitation to attend. If you’d like to learn more about the Genius Network Annual Event or to apply, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

      Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Gino, Dan and Joe in this episode: 

      • How the most successful Entrepreneurs innovate and reinvent during tough times.
      • What Dan and Strategic Coach did to have their best workshops during COVID-19.
      • The three definitions of a True Entrepreneur (Plus: The importance of team collaboration).
      • Overcome THESE 8 Entrepreneurial obstacles to unleash your value creation.
      • The 6 essential traits of successful Entrepreneurs (How many do YOU have?).
      • Cooperation Among Strangers: The truth about capitalism and Entrepreneurship.
      • 3 Entrepreneurial mindsets and attitudes most people do NOT have.
      • Gino lays out his proven 4-step plan for greatly increasing your odds of success.
      • Why what you daydream about could be the biggest key to your bigger future.

      Show Notes

      • Half of Entrepreneurs are getting their asses kicked right now; they need to reinvent or pivot. 
      • Reinvent by stepping back, seeing what your client needs, and putting your ear to the ground. 
      • Dan shares the attendance record of his final workshop during COVID-19; people were pressured from their team and families to quarantine. 
      • Dan’s experience transitioning to virtual workshops and his report of how clients responded to the shift. 
      • Gino’s book, Entrepreneurial Leap, and how Gino defines Entrepreneurship and the “leap.”
      • Gino explains the self-employed range and where an Entrepreneur lies on the scale. 
      • An Entrepreneur is visionary, passionate, problem-solver, driven, risk-taker, and responsible. 
      • An Entrepreneur takes resources from a lower level and uses them in a higher way. 
      • Self-employed people create their own job; Entrepreneurs are company-builders. 
      • Entrepreneurs use teamwork, technology, and collaboration to their benefit. 
      •  Capitalism means increasing cooperation between strangers with rules and processes. 
      • Why Dan thinks social Entrepreneurism is phony.
      • It’s a misnomer that money-making entrepreneurs are evil; making money is good. 
      • Capitalism is a system that creates value; you get rewarded for creating value for others. 
      • Get in the mind of the client to find something to help them.
      • It’s a great time to be an Entrepreneur (and write about being one).
      • The three parts to Gino’s book: Confirm, glimpse, and path.
      • Gino believes that 4% of the population is an Entrepreneur.
      • Entrepreneurship always stems from a passion.
      • Have and know your vision and hire the right people. 
      • Charge appropriately, stay true to your core, budget wisely, and clarify roles and responsibilities. 
      • The best Entrepreneurs are outliers and society doesn’t need more than 4% of them. 
      • Dan believes Entrepreneurs have a keener sense for luck. 
      • There’s no perfect process or “way” to become an Entrepreneur. 
      • If there was: Idea, take the leap, fight, then emerge a successful Entrepreneur. 
      • Smart Entrepreneurs love shortcuts and see the value of mentorship. 
      • Free mentorships exist but paid mentorship is the way of now and the future. 
      • What you daydream about may hold the key to what you should do as an Entrepreneur. 
      • Entrepreneurs are cultural heroes who are at the cutting edge of evolution. 


      • “Everyone’s got to know their roles and responsibilities.” – Gino Wickman
      • “Half are kicking ass and half are getting their ass kicked.” – Gino Wickman
      • – Gino Wickman
      • “If you don’t have a team, you can’t progress.” – Dan Sullivan
      • “Capitalism is the only value creation system that ever existed.” – Dan Sullivan
      • “One skill of an Entrepreneur is being the right person at the right time and the right place.” – Dan Sullivan
      • “The best Entrepreneurs are outliers.” – Dan Sullivan
      • “A lot of people fetishize the concept of being an Entrepreneur.” – Joe Polish
      • “I believe that there are producers and parasites in the world.” – Joe Polish
      • “We all invest in getting better at our craft. We’re looking to become better goldminers.” – Joe Polish



      • What do you daydream about? Do you have the traits of an Entrepreneur?

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      10xTalk delivers 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business hosted by Joe Polish, founder of GeniusNetwork.com and Dan Sullivan, founder of StrategicCoach.com. 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business. Insights For An Ever Expanding System Of Increasing Cooperation & Creativity Among Unique Ability Achievers.