A provocative and persuasive series of interviews and discussions on the topic
of developing and expanding “Abundance Multipliers” in the 21st century global economy.


A provocative and persuasive series of interviews and discussions on the topic
of developing and expanding “Abundance Multipliers” in the 21st century global economy.


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How To Get Rid of Your Problems with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish

October 30, 2019


How To Get Rid of Your Problems with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish

10x Talk

How To Get Rid of Your Problems with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #161


      Episode Summary

      You’ve got 99 problems, but a REAL problem ain’t one! In today’s episode, Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish break down how to reframe your problems and how you can start focusing on solutions instead.

      Dan Sullivan is the founder of Strategic Coach and has been coaching successful entrepreneurs for over 40 years. He’s heard all about the struggles entrepreneurs go through, and, surprisingly, finds that the only real problem is how we think about our problems. Joe Polish and Dan Sullivan break down why context changes everything, and why entrepreneurs need to stop complaining and start seeing the opportunities right in front of them.

      If you’d like to join Dan Sullivan, Joe Polish, and 300 more of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs at this year’s Genius Network Annual Event – then apply today for your invitation to attend. If you’d like to learn more about the Genius Network Annual Event, or to apply go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

      Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Dan and Joe in this episode: 

      • Why entrepreneurs CHOOSE problems – and why they aren’t actually problems at all.
      • When Joe needed a MASSIVE problem REFRAME.
      • Dan gives Joe some advice about his PERSONAL LIFE.
      • Joe gets real about his CONTROL ISSUES and opens up about the work he needs to do. 
      • UNIQUE ABILITY TEAMWORK and why every entrepreneur needs it in their business. 
      • The FIRST QUESTION you should ask anyone working on your behalf.

      Show Notes

      • By choosing new problems, you choose new capabilities and resources. 
      • You need to change the way you look at the problem.
      • Once you learn a new context and find solutions, the problem disappears. 
      • Joe saw only problems when he bought a house, but he got clarity on the opportunities right in front of him.
      • The choice to be an entrepreneur is a life choice, not just a business choice. 
      • Dan tells Joe how he should reframe the connection between his personal life and business. 
      • Build a team around you that can help you bring order to your complexities.
      • A great team knows your unique formula or can at least hire someone who does. 
      • Some “problems” go away on their own while others need solving quickly and painlessly – and ideally by someone else.
      • Other people love what they do, too, and it’d be arrogant to think they don’t. 
      • There are people on the planet here to help you while doing what they love. 
      • There’s a return on investment when helping others.
      • Entrepreneurs commonly take too much on and don’t delegate.


      • “I don’t give people a new solution, I give them a new context.” – Dan Sullivan
      • “From the center of everyone’s unique skill universe, everything looks different.” – Dan Sullivan


      What’s a problem that has been on your mind? Can you see why it isn’t a problem at all?

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      10xTalk delivers 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business hosted by Joe Polish, founder of GeniusNetwork.com and Dan Sullivan, founder of StrategicCoach.com. 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business. Insights For An Ever Expanding System Of Increasing Cooperation & Creativity Among Unique Ability Achievers.