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A provocative and persuasive series of interviews and discussions on the topic
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Just One Chance: Assuring Your Child’s Success And Happiness In School And Life | Richard Rossi

October 19, 2016


Just One Chance: Assuring Your Child’s Success And Happiness In School And Life | Richard Rossi

10x Talk

Just One Chance: Assuring Your Child's Success And Happiness In School And Life | Richard Rossi


      In this episode of 10xTalk, you’ll learn the traits of high achieving kids and how to assure happiness and success from Genius Network and Strategic Coach member, Richard Rossi.  Richard is the president and executive director of the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists. He is also the co-founder of two of the world’s largest and most prestigious enrichment programs for high-achieving students having served over 640,000 students from more than 118 countries over 26 years.

      Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Richard in this episode:

      • Why your child can be so much more than you ever thought possible
      • The two things every parent wants for their child and how to give it to them
      • 8 skills the highest achieving young people in the world have in common
      • How to assure your child’s success and happiness in school and life
      • The secret to making sure your child reaches their full potential in life

      Show Notes

      • Who is Richard Rossi? [01:27]
      • Richard’s background and story [01:52]
        • Having kids is hard work  [02:51]
        • Be as strategic in raising kids as you are in business: they are your real future [03:18]
        • At the end of the day, every parent is looking for the same thing: we all want our children to be safe and happy [03:51]
      • Peter Diamandis’ Exponential Unknowable Future for your kids [04:25]
      • Richard’s interview of Dr. Cherry Murray [05:18]
        • Dr. Cherry’s first pearl of wisdom: Shit happens [05:52]
        • Second, when shit happens, look for an opportunity [06:09]
      • Richard’s lessons working with over 640,000 high achieving young people [06:38]
      • What you can learn from the top 1% [07:02]
        • They have the courage to act in the face of discomfort [07:25]
        • They are self-managed, self-directed and self-motivated [07:43]
        • They are goal setters [08:02]
        • They are strategic in time-management [08:17]
        • They have great speaking and listening skills [08:39]
        • They have great negotiating skills [09:02]
        • They are consistent in their actions [09:23]
        • They also understand that failure is not an option [09:37]
      • University of Chicago’s amazing research proves these traits correct [10:20]
      • Just One Chance: Assuring Your Child’s Success and Happiness in School and Life [11:42]
      • Final thought: always be willing to work with your child [12:11]



      People Mentioned

      Peter Diamandis

      Dr. Cherry Murray


      About :

      Mr. Richard Rossi currently serves as President and Executive Director of the Academy.

      Mr. Rossi is a co-founder of two of the world’s largest and most prestigious enrichment programs for high-achieving students. In the 26 years of Mr. Rossi’s guidance, more than 640,000 primary, middle-school, secondary-school and college students from more than 118 countries attended these academic programs focusing on leadership and career development.

      One of these programs was designed to honor, inspire and motivate the nation’s most promising future physicians. More than 100,000 students graduated from this medical program and many serve in leading medical positions around the world. In 2009, Mr. Rossi co-created one of the largest gatherings of high achieving youth in Washington history: 15,300 high achieving young men and women who came together to experience the historic nature of President Obama’s first inauguration. Mr. Rossi also serves on the Board of Directors of Pinnacle Care, a prominent private health advisory company in Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. Rossi now devotes himself to the the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists, the National Academy of Scientists and Technologists, and other academic programs on a full-time basis.

      To go deeper on the insights shared on this episode of 10XTalk, access your FREE COPY of the “8 Transformations of a 10X Entrepreneur”, go here: http://www.10xtalk.com.

      Genius Network is the place high level entrepreneurs go for collaboration, contribution, and connections not available anywhere else. Members get strategies for exponential growth and opportunities for deal making, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and more. Membership is by application only.  Click here to learn more.


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      10xTalk delivers 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business hosted by Joe Polish, founder of GeniusNetwork.com and Dan Sullivan, founder of StrategicCoach.com. 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business. Insights For An Ever Expanding System Of Increasing Cooperation & Creativity Among Unique Ability Achievers.