A provocative and persuasive series of interviews and discussions on the topic of developing and expanding “Abundance Multipliers” in the 21st century global economy.


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10xTalk delivers 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business hosted by Joe Polish, founder of GeniusNetwork.com and Dan Sullivan, founder of StrategicCoach.com. 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business. Insights For An Ever Expanding System Of Increasing Cooperation & Creativity Among Unique Ability Achievers.

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About The Speakers

Dan Sullivan is the world’s foremost expert on entrepreneurship in action. Many of the world’s top-performing business owners regard Dan Sullivan as the person to teach you how to be a better entrepreneur. “The problem is never the problem,” says Dan. “The problem is that you don’t even know how to think about the problem.”

Since 1974, he’s been giving entrepreneurs a context for thinking about their challenges and opportunities, identifying the next step to take, then taking that step with confidence.

He’s passionate about doing this work because he believes entrepreneurs are the engine that drives all human progress in the modern world. Dan defines an entrepreneur as someone who is free to work when they want, free to work with whom they want, and free to earn an income that’s based entirely on their results.

He sees his central purpose as a coach in helping people become “unmanipulated” – liberated from external forces like industry constraints, economics, and politics, as well as internal forces, like their thinking, their habits, their past-based assumptions, and the messes in their lives.

Joe Polish is the founder of Genius Network®, GeniusX, President of Piranha Marketing Inc., Creator of the Genius Network® Interview Series, and Co-Founder of 10XTalk.com and ILoveMarketing.com, two highly popular free podcasts on iTunes.

Joe’s marketing expertise has been utilized to build thousands of businesses and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients, ranging from large corporations to small family-owned businesses. His charitable contributions include GeniusRecovery.org, ArtistsForAddicts.com, and Sir Richard Branson’s Foundation, Virgin Unite, which has raised well over three million dollars to date to help fund entrepreneurial schools and humanitarian programs.

Known for his entrepreneurial focus on value creation, connection, and contribution, Joe’s leadership is the reason he’s one of the most sought after marketers alive today. For more information about Joe, please visit www.JoePolish.com