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May 21, 2014
The Arianna Huffington Case Study: What Genius Network Makes Possible In The World - 10x Talk Episode #30
The Arianna Huffington Case Study: What Genius Network Makes Possible In The World - 10x Talk Episode #30
In this episode of 10X Talk Dan and Joe discuss “The Arianna Huffington Case Study: What Genius Network Makes Possible In The World”. Here’s just some of the clarity and capabilities you’ll develop from listening to this episode:
* How Joe helped Arianna Huffington (founder of The Huffington Post) hit #1 on The New York Times Best Seller list
* Joe shares The Impact Filter he utilized to clarify his thinking and set up the right conditions for success
* The behind-the-scenes marketing capabilities Joe utilizes for reaching his goals
* How to get bigger and better results by utilizing networks of people who are great at what they do
* A Genius Networking tool for connecting with industry transformers and going 10x
Episode Transcript
Joe: Hello everyone, it is Joe Polish.
Dan: This is Dan Sullivan.
Joe: Here we are, 10xTalk and we’re ready to talk about things that will hopefully have you think about how to grow your company and your life 10 times or at least just make everything 10 times cooler than it already is. I’ll let you lead this one Dan.
Dan: You haven’t really talked about this but you’ve had a huge win since we talked last time on 10xTalk and it was your whole communications program and marketing program that allowed Arianna Huffington with her book, her latest book, which is called Thrive to actually debut. Actually, the first chance it had to come out on the New York Times’ bestseller list; it came out as number one. I have to tell you, being a writer and being around writers for 40 years, I have to tell you debuting as number one on the New York Times is akin to winning an Olympic gold medal so this is an amazing achievement.
What I want to talk about is first of all the methodology that you have pioneered in Genius Network. You have an actual thinking process of how people can put together a network of the highest possible talent available who all work together in a team to produce a particular marketing result and this was a big one. Then I’d like to back up just a little further and go back to the 10xTalk session where we really talked about another coach that you worked with really identified nine particular personal capabilities that actually make you a great networker.
I’d like to piece those three things together. I haven’t thought about it before so this is literally going to be created over the conversation. The first thing I’d like to talk about was just your assessment of the situation from the moment when you launched the project with Arianna of how certain you were that you were going to get that result. What part of it operated and produced the result exactly what you are going to predict and what part of it was surprising to you?
Joe: Well, thank you Dan, let me get some background too. Arianna had this book. She’d already written it, it was going to come out on March 25th 2014 and I got a call a couple of months before that date from Peter Diamandas. He had just told me that he’d spoken with Arianna and that he had recommended that she reach out to me and that she was going to send in an email because she had called him and said, “Hey, who was marketing person that helped you get your book, Abundance on New York Times?”
He said, “Well, that’s Joe Polish and the people at Genius Network,” that he put together, which Peter started calling the Justice League of marketers. He said, “You’ve already met Joe because you spoke at his event in 2012. Let me just shoot an email and see if he’ll be able to help you with this.” I got an email from Peter and Arianna and set up a one-hour call with Arianna to first establish what she wanted to do. Now, Arianna is a high profile person. She is well known …
Dan: Yeah and I should say to the listeners in the new world of the internet, Arianna Huffington is one of the big players. I mean the Huffington Post is probably the dominant site on the internet that’s the equivalent of the New York Times in the print world or the Wall Street Journal in the print world. This is a big deal and she’s incredibly well connected and she knows … there’s probably not a person in the world that if Arianna Huffington phoned and said Arianna Huffington would like to talk to you, they wouldn’t take the call.
Joe: I have also found that out too because she knows everybody. I first wanted to establish what is her outcome. Did she just want to make the New York Times? Did she want to create a movement based around the subject of her book Thrive, which in a nutshell is that the current definition that most people have of success being money and power is not a very fulfilling and even realistic definition of success. She tells the story of in 2007, after she had sold her company for 300 and something million dollars; she was getting four to five hours of sleep at night. She was totally exhausted. She collapsed from exhaustion, hit her head on the corner of a desk, fractured a cheekbone, had to get stiches in her eye, go to multiple doctors.
She said, “By any measure of success, I wasn’t successful at all. My life was a total mess and this is not working,” and so she wrote a book called Thrive. She wrote it after she had completely changed her life. She became a total sleep advocate and she started meditating and she just started taking care of herself. She started dropping a lot of projects that weren’t working and so she wrote this book about it and I really like the subject matter. It had nothing to do with politics; it just simply had to do with living a better life and how to go about doing that.
She had many things. She would love to be on New York Times of course, that’s a big deal because that was a catalyst and she also wants to create a movement and change the conversation about how a lot of people describe success because she knows a lot of ‘very financially successful people’ and most of them are a little out of control or a lot out of control. Of course, why I really like this is I’ve got 17 plus years hanging around conversations with you Dan where you are the only organization that I’ve ever seen that has the most complete system on teaching free days, focus days, buffer days while simultaneously teaching you how to multiply your success dramatically while subtracting all the messes and crap out of your life and doing what you’re good at. I’ve kind of got a sort of built-in pull system here with my relationship with you and Strategic Coach.
I had an hour conversation with her and I used a Strategic Coach tool called the impact filter. After our initial call, I created an outline and I said what do I want to accomplish? To create a plan and a path for Arianna to hit the New York Times’ bestseller list with preorder purchases of books, all kinds of involvement from other people promoting it and help her create a movement by way of access to my Genius Network relationships. Example, Marie Folio, Yazamo, Brendon Burchard, people like that and the importance, what’s the difference it will make.
This will allow Arianna to get on New York Times’ list, save her a lot of time, money and energy utilizing marketing strategies and systems that are currently not showing her a way to make a bigger impact with less effort. I become a timesaver for her and what does a completed project look like? This by the way, was written on February fourth, which was my birthday. By February tenth, we’ve finalized dates to hold a one-day in-person event for everyone that supports her campaign and creates a knowledge product that can be bonused and packaged and used to educate the world, building on this brand and sharing this important message with the world.
Then you have this great process where what’s the worst result if I don’t take action? I wrote, “We’ve blown an opportunity to really share Arianna’s important message out to the world and her book and movement don’t reach the full potential I know it can be.” Then, what’s the best result if we do take action? “We promote the one-day event to my Genius Network and 25K clients and other players who can really help build this movement. Thrive becomes a New York Times’ bestseller and Arianna’s experience is so extraordinary, she refers people to Genius Network.” By the way, I shared this whole thing with Arianna.
What’s the success criteria? The success criteria, Thrive is a New York Times’ bestseller. Did we accomplish that? Yes, not only did it become a New York Times, it debuted number one. Second, I’m in the advisory role recommending relationships that could really align with Arianna’s goals for the book, which I did, I referred her to several people who have done interviews with her that have done all kinds of stuff that moved a tremendous amount of books. I’ve set her up with all kinds of database methodologies so that obviously was accomplished.
The third was a one-day event is scheduled to coincide with my event August 14th and 15th in Newport and the day after we’re going to do a one-day event with Arianna so we’ve got that schedule. The next one was we create a knowledge product that is transformative and changes people’s lives truly shifting how people define success where we are actually going to videotape a whole day really talking about this subject matter. You and Babs are going to be there and people like Brendon and we’re going to have Dr. Mark Hyman and we’re going to have … let’s see, Dean Grazioci, quite a few really awesome people.
The next thing I wrote is I opened up Arianna’s eyes to new, better and different marketing strategies that ultimately frees up her time. The next one was we promote the heck out of each other through Huffington Post via ad space and articles. Now I’m a writer for Huffington Post, there’s been four articles that I’ve written on the subject. Arianna thinks of me as a badass marketer, which of course she does now and Arianna’s experience is so extraordinary that she joins my group and refers others. That will be the next one.
Basically, I started with that. The reason I did that is it just helped me think it through. Now I had done an initial one prior to that on the 15th of January so about 20 days earlier just to kind of think it through but I actually shared that one with Arianna then you know what, we went to work. We had less than a month and 10 days to actually accomplish something that if I would have had six months out, it would have been a whole other thing but we still managed to do it.
The way that we did it was we didn’t do just one thing, we did a series of things and there’s a big difference. See people have this misconception, because she’s Arianna Huffington, that immediately means she’s going to have a New York Times’ bestseller. You can have a media outlet … Steve Forbes, who spoke at my 2012 conference also, same event that Arianna spoke at, he had a brand new book come out, it didn’t even hit the Times. Why, not because he’s not well known, not because he doesn’t he doesn’t have a platform called Forbes magazine, it’s because the marketing wasn’t done right.
This is a marketing game and that’s what people have to understand. When people hear marketing, they’re like, “What is marketing?” Marketing is communication, marketing is storytelling, marketing is giving people a specific call to action, marketing is allowing it and making it easy for people to do business with you and marketing requires doing a bunch of stuff. There’s this great little saying that I saw on the side of a packet of sugar years ago. I don’t know why my brain remembers this stuff.
It was on a little packet of sugar and it was a little caption, I saw it in a restaurant. I was waiting for my food and looking at these little quotes on packets of sugar and it said, “Advertising,” the caption was, “He who has something to sell and whispers in a well is not as apt to make the shiny dollar as the guy that climbs the tree and hollers.” You have to tell your story. When people hear marketing, they think, “Oh, manipulation and trickery.” No, everything that we do is storytelling, its communication, its education.
She was going to go on book tours, she was going to ask friends to tweet about it but I said, “Well, you need more net, do you have a website?” There was no website devoted to the book. Every book needs to have a website. It doesn’t need to but if you want to be a New York Times’ number one bestseller, you’d better have a damn website. I had a website created for her and then we turned it over to her team, not just to talk about the book but to also capture leads. Once someone shows interest in a subject matter, you want to continue to drip on these people with valuable useful content because they’ve identified themselves as, “I’m interested in this.” Some aren’t ready to maybe buy or engage but if at least capture their name and email and offer useful things to them like other talks, invitations to webinars, things like that then they are going to give you their name and you will continue to sell them.
Secondly, just like a movie, you want to have a trailer so I had the draw shop, which does the animated videos put together a trailer, a book trailer for her book. It’s a voiceover with Arianna talking about her story and about Thrive and that was one thing that we did. Secondly, and this was a big one, she didn’t want to gain the system. I mean, Arianna has enough money where she could have bought up all books herself, put them in a garage, no one ever would have known about it but she didn’t want to do that. She’s Arianna and she can’t do stuff like that.
I said, “Well, let’s get people that legitimately have clients that they can give the book to, they can send to and let’s have them pre purchase orders. Let’s get as many people to pre purchase this book in advance. I reached out, you got some for Strategic Coach clients, Brendon Burchard, Mike Cannigs, Dean Grazioci, Mary Morsey and a whole slew of different people like, “Yeah, this book totally speaks to my audience,” and so we sold some books that way.
Then I introduced her to Marie Folio, who has a big following online doing videos. She lives in New York and she did an interview with Arianna. A couple of days before the book was to be released, she sent out that video and did a blog post about it, immediately got about 25,000 views, drove people to do that. While I was on Necker Island with Richard Branson, I’m on the island with one of close friends Dr. Mark Hyman, who has written eight New York Time’s bestsellers and three of them have been number one.
At the time I was in Necker Island with him, he was number one on New York Times. In spite of that, I got him to … literally, he loves Arianna because they are close friends. He actually sent out a Facebook pitch, a tweet and email to his list suggesting that they actually get a copy of Thrive. Now Arianna could have done that but she didn’t think to do it maybe as proactively as I think about doing it. What’s the tweet going to say? What are the Facebook messages going to say? I provided that. We got a lot of people to actually promote it.
Dan: Yeah, well, the interesting thing here, just two things I want to say. There’s a certain what I would say, if you’re really great at something, it’s far better that other people tell the story than you tell the story.
Joe: Absolutely.
Dan: The other thing is that because you are so personally involved with your own movement forward, it’s very, very difficult for you to think of all the different things that you can do but you are coming at it fresh. I mean, two months before, this was not even a thought in your mind so you hit it totally fresh. You’re emotionally involved in the success of the story but you’re emotionally involved in it from the standpoint of the way that Arianna has.
A lot people don’t realize is that why we need other people who are great at what they is because they have a more de-personal … I’m not saying that they’re not devoted to it and not committed to it but they are kind of de-personalized so the emotions don’t really interfere with it. They’re just looking at the actions to get a result.
Then the other thing is that Joe, I can trace you back to the early story of you just grasping what marketing could do with yourself as a carpet cleaner just keeping ahead of the bills in Phoenix. The story that you just told about what you did over the last two months is really the result of 25 years of testing and proving out and connecting vast amounts of different marketing strategies and abilities in the market place. You had a chance just to put it all to work and you had everybody at a phone call’s notice that you could just call somebody up and say, “Hey, I’m going to do this.”
You have such a trustworthy … I mean, there is such credibility that you were able within probably a week’s times to put together all these different experts because you gave them a great sense of purpose and a great clarity of what the results were to be achieved, all of a sudden this team comes together. You literally created a marketing company that lasted two months. Of course, there are certain parts of it that go on afterwards but the reason is that you’ve always approached things as networks.
One of the things I’d like to get across to the listeners on 10xTalk is there’s only so much you can do as an individual. You will achieve what an individual can achieve but if you really want to go big, it’s got to be through networks of people who in their own right are just as good at what they do as you are at what you do.
Joe: Exactly, you’ve got connect the plumbing and your plumbing has to be aligned with their plumbing and you can move a lot of stuff through it and this is good plumbing. I guess that plumbing analogy could sound kind of weird but that’s exactly it, it’s what I have is I have a Genius Network. You talked about the Magic Rapport formula in the beginning of how that ties in together and some of the things that Fabien Frederickson who actually interviewed me about how do I build rapport with people. She was curious because that’s a question I get all the time, is how do you meet all these people? How do you manage all these relationships? What do you do? How does someone do it? What are the things that you can teach to other people?
After I had this conversation with her, she listened to everything that I was saying and she actually broke it up in steps. Some of the steps that she wrote down for me, she created The Joe Polish Nine-Step Magic Rapport [inaudible 00:17:06] and the first step is when I meet people, I focus on how I can help them. I don’t go into deals saying, “Oh, let’s figure out how I can squeeze something out of this person first.” I try to figure out, “How can I help them so that naturally they are just going to want to help me?” because if I can’t create value for someone and all they can do is create value for me, that’s not a very fulfilling sort of relationship. It’s very transactional, I mean life gives to the giver and takes from the taker. It’s that sort of thing.
The second thing is be willing to invest time, money and energy on relationships. Since I spend a good deal of time, money and energy developing and nurturing relationships, it’s kind of like if you spend time, money and energy developing a field of crops or an orange tree. Whenever you want the orange, because you’ve taken care of the orange tree, there’s an orange that you can pull down. I can tap into a lot of talent and capabilities very quickly. Just like you said, literally in a span of a week, I had all kinds of things in motion, not because I’m lucky, not because I’m using trickery, it’s because I’ve harvested relationships and I was able to tap into my relationship equity.
Just like if you’ve saved money and you need to make a withdrawal because you are going to make a purchase, whenever I need to get something done, I’ve made so many deposits into other people’s lives in terms of relationships that whenever I need to tap into that relationship equity, it is right there. I can cash in on some of it.
The other is be the type of person that people will always answer the phone for because I always approach creating value. Most people that I will go out and ask for something, help, assistance, involvement, alignment, I’ve got a whole lot of people that were happy to do it. Another part is step number four is be grateful and valuable. If you just operate that way and you treat people that way, guess what, you know, they are probably going to treat you that way, which leads to the next one, which is treat people the way you want to be treated.
It’s pretty simple, it’s like the golden rule but that’s the deal. I can go on and on but that’s some of the things that I do but those tie into the Genius Network because the ultimate thing is I have a Genius Network. What I consider a Genius Network is a group of people that have skills and capabilities that are really useful for me. By helping them get what they want, they will help me get what I want. In this particular case, I have a tool called my Genius Network. I did a whole Genius Network just on putting together a little plan and a path to make Arianna Huffington’s newest book Thrive a bestseller. My outcome was to have her experience be so extraordinary that she hits New York Times and that we can collaborate and do things that are mutually beneficial to both of us and what I told her too.
I said, “Look Arianna, what would great for me, you’re a well know person, you know a lot of people, I’d like to have you speak at my event and I’d like to put together a knowledge product with you that we record and then we share this probably for free.” We haven’t decided if we are going to do the entire thing for free but I say we just put it out there. It will continue to carry this message, which is another form of marketing about the subject of Thrive, which I really reinforce. Also, I had, if you even want to call it a motive and I wouldn’t even say a sneaky motive because all of this is totally out in the open.
You take a guy like you, Strategic Coach. You have one of the best programs on the planet for teaching workaholic, crazed, successful, bright entrepreneurs how to get their act together. You know how to … you’ve been doing this for years. Not only do you know how to teach it, deliver it and have people think about it, you’ve created all these tools. You’re actually one of the very few people that I know that is in the space of advising other people on how to live a better life that actually walks the walk and talks the talk better than like any other human being I’ve ever seen, you’re in that sort of position. You’re a messenger that actually lives his message.
One of my things is this is another way for me to share Strategic Coach with the world by tying it into this sort of thing because the world needs things like Strategic Coach. When we create a knowledge product, which I actually got that term, knowledge product from you. I used to call things information products until I heard you talk about knowledge products and I’m like, “you know, information products really doesn’t describe how valuable some of the content is because it doesn’t sound as good but in the information marketing world, that’s how everyone talks,” and so knowledge products.
Then I created the Genius brainstorm, free flow, ideas, what do I want to create? I want to create an impact filter for setting Arianna, which I did, a draw shop to do a video, introduce her to Marie Folio, introduce Arianna to my buddy Jeff Madoff who does all the Victoria’s Secret commercials so I flew to New York and did an interview with Arianna about this book and we used that as a bonus. I had Arianna record a promo video for the event we are doing in Newport so I could share it with all of our 25K members.
She was doing an event with Sheryl Sandburg, which happened a couple of weeks ago. This was going to be a live event, it was sold out, 2,400 people and so I looped my buddy Brendon Burchard, who is one of my 25K members into this thing because he is very smart when it comes to book marketing and live streaming events. He was doing an event in San Francisco where this was actually being held. At the time, he was doing his live event, he coordinated with his team to actually help them set up the technology to live stream the event so that people that weren’t there, they could actually watch it for free and then we would promote the book Thrive.
She said, “Well, I’m going to be speaking with Sheryl Sandburg to 2,400 people which is much different than 2,400 people are going to buy books and what about all the people that aren’t there?” We live streamed the event, sent out an email to my list, to Brendon’s list, to a couple of other people’s lists. Arianna promoted it through Twitter, Facebook and we ended up selling 1,800 copies of the book Thrive just from that live stream after several things were actually botched up on the technology. They didn’t go totally smoothly and now that live stream is being replayed.
Had we not done that, we never would have had the tie in of buying that book. There’s no way had we not done that live stream, it wouldn’t have sold any of those books because these purchases came from people that weren’t even there and that’s a pretty big deal. Do you know how many book tours and visits of bookstores that an author, no matter how famous they are has to go to in order to sell 1,800 books like in fell swoop? We did it combined with something she was going to do anyway. That gave her a whole like, “Wow, every time I go and do a talk, I can actually live stream it and we can set it up so people …” We did things like that.
Dan: As you know, if you’re around Strategic Coach, everything that we do starts with a positive focus and ends with a positive focus. Joe, I’d like you to wrap up this session of 10xTalk b just saying the three biggest things that you now know about your capability. Right now, we’re a little bit after the actual achievement of the book being number one on the New York Times list that you did not know before you got the phone call from Peter and the email from Peter. Just, where have you grown in both understanding in skill and confidence over the last two and half months. It’s really important that people record their wins and actually use them to create the next level. I’d like you to actually do that right now.
Joe: Yeah, the insights I got is the absolute power of my creation a Genius Network tool because I thought it through and I identified who are the top people that I needed to pull in. I listed those people out and then I broke that down into the action steps and I put timelines next to it and I accomplished it because I simply followed a plan.
Secondly, if you nurture and harvest relationships, they are incredibly valuable because you could have not bought the things that we did. Someone can’t just say, “Oh, Joe, I want to have a book be a New York Times’ bestseller and let me pay you a bunch of money.” It had nothing to do with that. It had to do with orchestration and orchestration comes to preparation and the ability to pull it together very quickly. If I had to narrow it down to three, I don’t know any other word to say this but I realized, I got a lot more Oprah power than I realized. Oprah can promote things and make a big impact.
Arianna went on Ellen, that was a huge deal. She got some great media and stuff but the real thing that debuted on the New York Times were our marketing efforts and she knows that. She still would have done very well on the book but that was a huge game changer to have that debut. With that, this is just the start because we planted a seed. Like you mentioned, it’s like winning the gold medal. The beauty of it is now how I leverage it and how I use that and how much of a big deal it is and how the strategic byproducts, which is one of our terms that will come out of this scenario.
It’s been really great and for the listeners, what I hope this serves as an example for is if you do not have a Genius Network and are not thinking about who are all of the wonderful capabilities and skills that are out there? What are you doing to help lead those people into what they want so that when the time comes that you can literally harvest those valuable fruits of your labor? Are you putting your labor into the right relationships in the right way? Are you acknowledging people? Are you creating value first without expectation so that you can literally have your own Genius Network?
Dan: Yeah, I think probably the biggest make or break thing about this is that before you can go to the bank and borrow, you actually have to make deposits. For 25 years, you’ve been making deposits into your bank account but the bank account here is other people’s Genius. You’ve built up such a high credit rating and such a high balance in all of your bank accounts with all these individuals. You called us up and said, “Would you buy 500 books?” and we said, “Of course we will.” We didn’t have a committee meeting about it, we didn’t call our accountant about it, we just said, “Sure, send the 500 books and the invoice and we’ll send the check for it.”
You’ve made so many deposits in your Strategic Coach account that if you give a phone call and say, “Dan, would you do this?” my answer is a three-second answer, “Of course I’ll do it.” I think that that’s the other thing is that people know what they’d like to get from other people but that’s not where the game starts. The game actually starts with spending a lot of time finding out what they need and providing it to them and building up an account. Some people are not good investments so you don’t do that with them because they don’t reciprocate.
I think you have a keenness now. I think you have a really quick read on whether someone is going to be a player in bigger games that you are going to be playing in the future.
Joe: Yes, exactly and I want to touch on what you said then we’ll wrap up is that in the process of doing this, in asking people to be involved, it hasn’t depleted or lowered my bank account at all. It’s actually magnified it for everybody. The beauty of doing this and doing this type of Genius Networking and tapping into your Genius Network is it actually continues to enrich the relationships because everything that I did and how I did it created a win-win for everybody. Every one of the books that was purchased is actually getting sent to someone or getting gifted to an actual client.
None of it was ‘buying your way on to the Times’ because everything was actually done. She was so gracious and very appreciative and that’s what I really liked about Arianna, which is why I continue to do things with her. She’s one of those people where none of the relationship so far has been, “Oh, Joe, do this for me because I’m Arianna Huffington.” A lot of people that are really well known, they forget. They actually think that because they are well known and they surround themselves with a bunch of yes people that they don’t have to be nice. She’s nice, she’s cordial and she wants to do stuff. She wants to make a difference and I like hanging out with people like that.
That’s why I did it and that’s why I will continue to do this stuff. You know, I will have to plug to Strategic Coach, when I heard all money earned ethically is a byproduct of value creation, I take that very seriously and there we go so thank you.
Dan: Well, [inaudible 00:29:29] are a lot of little wins but right in the first part of this year, that was a fantastic win. It’s great to do a little bit of a review on it and actually analyze how it came about. I really appreciate you taking the time to walk everybody, myself and the listeners of 10xTalk. You kind of let them behind the curtain to see how it works from the backstage so that there’s a great front stage result.
Joe: What I’ll do, I’ll post the interview I did with Arianna as a bonus episode on the website. If anyone wants to see that actual interview, go ahead and check it out at and please share 10xTalk with all of your friends and loved ones, yes, loved ones. That’s it so thank you Dan.
Dan: Okay, thank you Joe.
10xTalk delivers 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business hosted by Joe Polish, founder of and Dan Sullivan, founder of 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business. Insights For An Ever Expanding System Of Increasing Cooperation & Creativity Among Unique Ability Achievers.
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We generally ship all physical orders within two business days. For any digital products, you will receive an email with login details to our membership site or download page. We also offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all our digital and physical products (but not including mastermind groups, events, or free plus shipping offers). If you are not completely satisfied with the physical or digital product, you can request a refund within 30 days of the date that you placed your order. In order to receive a refund within the 30 day period for any physical products, you must return everything that was shipped to you, including any bonuses, and we must receive it at our offices before the 30 day period has passed.
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This site may link you to other sites on the Internet. These sites may contain information or material that some people may find inappropriate or offensive. These other sites are not under the control of COMPANY, and you acknowledge that COMPANY is not responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of such sites. The inclusion of such a link does not imply endorsement of the site by or any association with its operators.
If you need to contact us, you can email us at, call us at 480-858-0008, or send us a letter at: Piranha Marketing, Inc., 4440 S. Rural Rd., Bldg. F, Tempe, AZ 85282.
Upon a request by COMPANY, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold COMPANY and its other affiliated companies harmless, and their employees, contractors, officers, and directors from all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, that arise from your misuse of this site.
Unless otherwise specified herein, this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and COMPANY with respect to this site and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications between you and COMPANY with respect to this site. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is held invalid or unenforceable, that portion shall be construed in a manner consistent with applicable law to reflect, as nearly as possible, the original intentions of the parties, and the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona. You hereby consent to binding arbitration in the State of Arizona to resolve any disputes arising under this Terms and Conditions.
Thank you for visiting a Piranha Marketing, Inc. web site, including,,,,,,,,,, or You arrived at this Earnings Disclaimer from one of the above sites, referred to herein as “this web site”.
The products sold on this website are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.
Your level of success in attaining the results from using our products and information depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques used, your finances, knowledge and various skills.
Since these factors differ among each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or income level, nor are we responsible for any of your actions.
Any and all forward-looking statements on this web site or in any of our products are intended to express our opinion of the earnings potential that some people may achieve.
But many factors will be important in determining your actual results, and we make no guarantees that you will achieve results similar to ours or anyone else’s. In fact, we make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from the ideas and techniques contained on our web site or in our products.
To the extent that we included any case studies or testimonials on this site, you can assume that none of these stories in any way represent the "average" or "typical" customer experience.
In fact, as with any product or service, we know that some people will purchase our products but never use them at all, and therefore will get no results whatsoever. You should therefore assume that you will obtain no results with this program.
Even though we make no guarantees that our product will produce any particular result for you, you can still take advantage of our refund policy if you are not completely satisfied. In such instances, you can request a refund according to the terms and timelines indicated in our refund policy described in the Terms and Conditions section on this site.
Thank you for visiting a Piranha Marketing, Inc. web site, including,,,,,,,,,, or You arrived at this Privacy Policy from one of the above sites, referred to herein as “this web site”.
We understand the importance that Internet users place on privacy, and this Privacy Policy describes how we use personal information that is collected at this web site.
Please read this Privacy Policy before using this site or submitting any personal information. California residents, please also see the “Note To California Residents” Section for additional rights that apply to you.
By using this web site, you accept the privacy practices contained in this Privacy Policy. These privacy practices may change from time to time, but any changes will be posted. You are encouraged to review the Privacy Policy whenever you visit the web site to make sure you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.
A. Personally Identifiable Information
In order to serve our customers, we collect personally identifiable information, like names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and sometimes credit card information when such information is voluntarily submitted by our visitors. We will only use your personal information for the following purposes: (1) to deliver the products and/or services to you that you have requested; (2) to validate your compliance with the terms and conditions; (3) for content improvement and feedback purposes; (4) to reach you, when necessary, regarding your use of the web site or product(s); and (5) for the few situations described below to better serve you.
We will NEVER share your personally identifiable information with third parties unless you have given us explicit permission to do so, such as in order to fulfill a third party offer that you have accepted from us. By permitting us to collect this information, you will be able to receive information on other products and services that may be of interest to you, including related third party offers that we may send to you. You also enable us to personalize your experience with us so that we can provide you with the highest quality of service.
By submitting your email address on this web site, you agree to receive email from us. You can cancel your participation in any of these email lists at any time by clicking the opt-out link or other unsubscribe option that is included in the respective email. We only send emails to people who have authorized us to contact them, either directly, or through a third party. We do not send unsolicited commercial emails, because we hate spam as much as you do.
In addition, you agree that by submitting your telephone contact information on this web site and/or registering to receive the product and/or service offered herein, such act constitutes a purchase, an inquiry, and/or an application for the purposes of the Amended Telemarketing Sales Rule (ATSR), 16 CFR ‘310 et seq. and any applicable state and local “do not call” regulations. We retain the right to contact you via telemarketing in accordance with the ATSR and the applicable state regulations.
B. Non-Personally Identifiable Information
We also may collect various types of non-personally identifiable information to help us make your experience more enjoyable, measure site activity to identify future improvements that should be made, and compile aggregate data to help serve site visitors better.
For example, we may use session and persistent “cookies,” session logs, web beacons, GIF/pixel tags, banner ads, third-party click tracking analytics tools (such as Google Analytics), third party retargeting networks that may display our advertisements to you on other sites that you visit to remind you about us, and third party networks that serve user-requested emails (e.g., for a refer-a-friend email) to collect non-personally identifiable or other aggregated information about site visitors.
Cookies are text files that are used by your computer’s web browser to store your preferences, and enable us to enhance your user experience with our web site.
Emails or newsletters that we send electronically may use techniques such as web beacons or pixel tags to gather email metrics and information to improve the reader’s experience, such as the number of emails that are opened, whether they were forwarded or printed, the type of device from which they were opened, and the location (e.g. city, state, and county) associated with the applicable IP address.
If you visit this site with an open ID (such as Facebook), you may also be sharing and integrating data with third-party social media sites, and we may track aggregate data about the number of visits to this site with an open ID, the number of items “liked” on this site, or items on this site that you choose to share with a third-party social media site.
Other parties such as advertising partners and analytics companies may also be collecting information about your online activity across various websites over time. The information collected by those third parties may include identifiers that allow those third parties to tailor the ads that they serve to your computer or other device.
Because there is not yet a common understanding of how to interpret web browser-based “Do Not Track” signals other than cookies, we do not currently respond to “Do Not Track” signals that are undefined.
Please note that you do have the option to configure most web browsers to NOT accept cookies. However, be aware that disabling cookies may keep you from having access to some functions or services on our web site or the web-hosted software that runs on our web site.
We do not control and are not liable for the actions of any third parties who we may promote. We pride ourselves in working with quality companies, but have no control over the actions of those third parties. While we are not liable for any of the actions of those third parties, you should feel free to give us feedback from time to time on your experiences with any third parties to whom we work with so that we may enhance our future service to all customers.
We do not knowingly intend to collect personally identifiable information from children under 18 years of age. If your minor child has provided us with personally identifiable information, you may contact us at the phone number or mailing address listed in Section 7 herein if you want this information deleted from our records. We will then make reasonable efforts to remove your child’s information from the database that stores the information.
We may use your IP address to help prevent fraud, to help diagnose problems with our server, to gather broad demographic information, and to offer you products and services.
This web site and/or the products and/or services offered herein may direct you to web sites that are owned and/or controlled by third parties. We have no control over those third parties and are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices of those sites or companies.
All information collected from you is stored in a technically and physically secure environment. Furthermore, employees, contractors, and vendors who have access to your personally identifiable information in connection with providing services for us are required to keep the information confidential.
We use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, and we do everything we can to protect user information offline. Unfortunately, no transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we take reasonable measures to protect your information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of the information that you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.
If you need to contact us, you can email us at, call us at 480-858-0008, or send us a letter at: Piranha Marketing, Inc., 4440 S. Rural Rd., Bldg. F, Tempe, AZ 85282.
We strive to provide excellent products, along with equally excellent customer service. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our practices, please feel free to contact us using one of the methods listed above.
If you live in the State of California, under the California Civil Code, you have the right to request that companies who conduct business in California provide you with a list of all third parties to which the company has disclosed Personal Information during the preceding year for direct marketing purposes.
Alternatively, the law provides that if a company has a Privacy Policy that gives either an opt-out (often referred to as “unsubscribe”) or opt-in choice for use of your Personal Information by third parties (such as advertisers or affiliated companies) for marketing purposes, that the company may instead provide you with information on how to exercise your disclosure choice options.
This Site qualifies for the alternative option; it has a comprehensive Privacy Policy and provides you with details on how you may either opt-out or opt-in to the use of your Personal Information by third parties for direct marketing purposes. Therefore, we are not required to maintain or disclose a list of the third parties that received your Personal Information for marketing purposes during the preceding year.
If you are a California resident and want to request information about how to exercise your third party disclosure choices, you must send a request to the following address with a preference on how our response to your request should be sent (email or postal mail). Please send an email to the Privacy Administrator at, or you may contact us via regular mail at:
Piranha Marketing, Inc.
4440 S. Rural Rd., Bldg. F
Tempe, AZ 85282
All requests sent via regular mail must be labeled "Your California Privacy Rights" on the envelope or post card and clearly stated on the actual request. For all requests, please include your name, street address, city, state, and zip code. Please include your zip code for our own recordkeeping.
We do not accept requests via the telephone or by facsimile. We are not responsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not have complete information.