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The COVID-19 Conversation: Clearly Understanding The Reality and Risks of COVID-19 Featuring Dr. Mansoor Mohammed, Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish

March 20, 2020


The COVID-19 Conversation: Clearly Understanding The Reality and Risks of COVID-19 Featuring Dr. Mansoor Mohammed, Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish

10x Talk

The COVID-19 Conversation: Clearly Understanding The Reality and Risks of COVID-19 Featuring Dr. Mansoor Mohammed, Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #163

The COVID-19 Conversation: Clearly Understanding The Reality and Risks of COVID-19 Featuring Dr. Mansoor Mohammed, Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #163


      Episode Summary

      Dr. Mansoor Mohammed is the President and CSO of the DNA Company, which is a leading and innovative provider of comprehensive, functional genomic testing and consulting and an industry first. He’s widely regarded as a pioneer in medical genomics, and has been the recipient of multiple academic and industry awards.

      Transcript can be downloaded HERE

      Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Mansoor, Dan and Joe in this episode: 

      • Dr. Mansoor Mohammed gives his expert perspective and scientific understanding of the current COVID-19 pandemic
      • Is there a strong genetic underpinning to the severity of COVID-19 in individuals? Dr. Mansoor gives his insights
      • Dr. Mansoor discusses how the COVID-19 is spread AND how it can spread through the air for HOURS before settling
      • How droplets containing COVID-19, moving from air to surfaces, once settled, can stay alive on surfaces for DAYS
      • Why we MUST be careful about overcrowded locations and poor air quality that contribute to the spread of COVID-19
      • Being ‘Exposed To’ versus ‘Infected With’ COVID-19: Three areas of exposure, the role of the ACE2 gene, and comorbid infection
      • Four steps you, your family and company can take to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in your household workplace, and community
      • Dr. Mansoor explains the risk stratifications, types of individuals, and segments of the population with the highest level of COVID-19 risk
      • Why it’s important to alleviate stress so you maintain your immune responsiveness and why healthy individuals may not have to worry as much
      • How to properly and intelligently look at the similarities and differences between COVID-19 and the 1918 Spanish Flu
      • Why Dr. Mansoor is concerned about COVID-19 if we don’t manage to contain and stratify the disease
      • The three most important things you can do to control your cortisol and stress response to COVID-19
      • How societal stress can DIRECTLY impact the severity of outcome in COVID-19 infected individuals
      • What Joe Polish and Dan Sullivan are personally doing to stay calm and confident during this time.

      Show Notes

      • The truth about COVID-19.  
      • Biggest pieces of misinformation.
      • How COVID-19 is not more than the flu for most people.
      • How your genetic makeup equips you differently to deal with the virus.
      • Beware that those with symptoms can still be carriers.
      • Is it really as bad as the media says it is?
      • How long COVID-19 stays in the air (from coughing, sneezing, etc.), and how much longer it lives on surfaces.
      • The biology of COVID-19 and how it’s different from what we’ve seen before.
      • How this pandemic compares with past pandemics, and what this means to us today.
      • What you can do to avoid getting sick, and how you can avoid spreading it to others.
      • How to avoid stress that can make a person more susceptible to COVID-19.
      • Dan Sullivan’s methods for dealing with situations like this.
      • Joe Polish’s methods for dealing with situations like this.
      • What to do in scary times.
      • What you can do on a practical level to successfully deal with this situation.


      • “In a feared state, your body becomes incredibly susceptible.”  -Joe Polish
      • “It’s not so much the severity, but more the numbers and strain on the healthcare system.” – Dr. Mansoor Mohammed
      • “If we do not bring down the societal stress, we are adding to the problem.” – Dr. Mansoor Mohammed


      • Sleep, Nutrition, Activity: maintain a healthy sleep cycle; get good nutrition and avoid sugar; do some indoor activity. 
      • Lay off the constant media-barrage.
      • Up your basic hygiene habits.  For example, when you’ve been out and you get home, immediately wash your hands and change your clothing. Wash with high-quality detergents.


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      10xTalk delivers 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business hosted by Joe Polish, founder of GeniusNetwork.com and Dan Sullivan, founder of StrategicCoach.com. 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business. Insights For An Ever Expanding System Of Increasing Cooperation & Creativity Among Unique Ability Achievers.