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of developing and expanding “Abundance Multipliers” in the 21st century global economy.


A provocative and persuasive series of interviews and discussions on the topic
of developing and expanding “Abundance Multipliers” in the 21st century global economy.


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The Power of Discussion: 5 Steps to Improve Group Meetings and Increase Marketing Capabilities With Dan Sullivan & Joe Polish

March 7, 2018


The Power of Discussion: 5 Steps to Improve Group Meetings and Increase Marketing Capabilities With Dan Sullivan & Joe Polish

10x Talk

The Power of Discussion: 5 Steps to Improve Group Meetings and Increase Marketing Capabilities With Dan Sullivan & Joe Polish - 10x Talk #129

The Power of Discussion: 5 Steps to Improve Group Meetings and Increase Marketing Capabilities With Dan Sullivan & Joe Polish - 10x Talk #129


      Episode Summary 

      Would you like to know the key to human progress and how you can become even more intelligent?  In this recording from an ILM Meetup, Dan Sullivan shares this gem and more.

      Dan is the co-founder of Strategic Coach, author of over 30 publications, a visionary, innovator, and gifted conceptual thinker.  Dan has over 35 years experience as a highly regarded consultant, strategic planner, and coach to entrepreneurial individuals and groups.

      Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Dan and Joe in this episode:

      • The #1 secret for starting a great discussion group
      • Dan reveals the key to human progress and how you can become even more intelligent
      • What great facilitators do to lead successful discussion groups (PLUS: Three important rules to follow)
      • The 3 ways to learn anything, the 3 things you need in order to sell anything, and the 3 secrets to creating more success
      • M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : The one thing that allows you to create the bigger, better future you desire and deserve
      • A definition of “selling” that changed Joe’s life and how you can apply it in your business and life
      • Dan shares the original definition of an entrepreneur and the most important thing you must do as an entrepreneur
      • A simple way to make connections you’ve never made before and boost your creativity
      • What everyone in a discussion group should do at the beginning and end of a meeting to experience massive growth

      Show Notes

      • Marketing is about building a future you would like to have for yourself.
      • If you’re not born with a lot of advantages in the world, marketing allows you to even the playing field.
      • The number one thing to starting off a good discussion is to share a successful or unsuccessful personal experience.
      • To have a great discussion, you have to have great ideas.
      • Before you come into a group, you have to be informed. People make up their lack of knowledge by talking.
      • Break down the idea into three key questions. No one thinks more clearly than when they are hit with a question they don’t see coming.
      • A really good discussion is one where everyone gets a chance to participate. If someone dominates the conversation, the discussion falls apart.
      • The key to human progress is the distribution of human intelligence.
      • Every human intelligence is unique, your perspective can be enhanced by the perspectives of other people.
      • A good discussion always has a facilitator that lays out the rules and makes sure they are observed.
      • Go over the previous points made in the prior meeting to create a sense of growth and progress over time.
      • There is not a great idea that can’t be the basis of a successful discussion group.
      • You can learn through the school of hard knocks, or you can learn by teaching others what you know.
      • One of the most important things you can have in life is a mental structure that allows you to sort of the experiences you accumulate.
      • The biggest obstacle to people experiencing success with marketing is them not putting a big enough emphasis on it.
      • An entrepreneur is someone that takes resources and takes them from a lower level of productivity to a higher level of productivity. They make things faster, easier, better, and cheaper.
      • Marketing is everything that is happening while you’re not there and you’re still making sales.
      • We are hitting the sweet spot in history for multiplying our efforts and productivity.
      • Government has outlived its usefulness at this point and we’re actually in the fifth civil war between the government class and the entrepreneurial class. The ones with the skills to use the technology available are the ones that will find incredible success in the future.
      • Capitalism is an ever increasing system of greater cooperation among strangers. The reason capitalism has a bad name is because it was named by its enemies. You can build an economy by only doing business with your friends.
      • The whole system is based on the trust between strangers.
      • There is more money to be made in relationships than there is in transactions.
      • In order to sell, you need a product or service, a sales pitch, and a delivery mechanism.
      • Selling is getting people intellectually engaged in a future result that’s GOOD for THEM and getting them to emotionally commit to take action to achieve that result.
      • Marketing is the only vehicle for making an impact on the world with your message.
      • People love to be sold, but hate to be pressured. It’s not the selling or marketing that’s bad, it’s the application of it.
      • Everything exists in the modern world because someone sold someone else on it.
      • Marketing is not an event it’s a process, in order to get better you have to be consistent.


      • “Marketing is the great equalizer.” -Dan Sullivan
      • “To have a great discussion, you have to have great ideas.” -Dan Sullivan
      • “The key to human progress is the distribution of human intelligence.” -Dan Sullivan
      • “I don’t want to be the smartest person in the room, I want to be in a room where everyone is getting smarter.” -Dan Sullivan
      • “The reason capitalism has a bad name is because it was named by its enemies.” -Dan Sullivan


      To go deeper with 10XTalk, access your FREE COPY of the “8 Transformations of a 10X Entrepreneur”, go here: http://tenxtalk.wpengine.com/8-transformations-of-a-10x-entrepreneur/.


      Genius Network is the place high-level entrepreneurs go for collaboration, contribution, and connections not available anywhere else. Members get strategies for exponential growth and opportunities for deal-making, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and more. Membership is by application only.  Click here to learn more. You can also learn more about The Genius Network Annual Event here – which is the one time per year the group is opened to non-members.

      The Strategic Coach® Signature Program is designed to make your possibilities a reality. It’s not a quick fix. It’s a transformational change for you as an entrepreneur and as a person, building on everything you’ve accomplished up to now. Dan Sullivan’s 10x Ambition Program is for the ultra-focused entrepreneur who wants to work on their sky’s-the-limit goals right now—and already has the means and drive to skip ahead and get started. You want to work directly with the founder and creator of Strategic Coach and have access to Dan’s latest thinking, innovative ideas, and fast-track strategies for achieving exponential results in pretty much any area of your business and life. Click here to learn more

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      10xTalk delivers 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business hosted by Joe Polish, founder of GeniusNetwork.com and Dan Sullivan, founder of StrategicCoach.com. 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business. Insights For An Ever Expanding System Of Increasing Cooperation & Creativity Among Unique Ability Achievers.